Update 13 - Calm Before the Storm.

Update 13: Thank you for your continued prayer and encouragement. Please encourage, think, and pray for us this afternoon. Carly and I will see River together at 1:00pm today.  It’s going to be hard. 

We will get to hold her. It will be hard for both of us, but brutal for Carly. She knows Rivers true self. She did and incredible job gestating both the girls for 37 weeks. She has been holding sweet Miller for a week now. It has been a joy and a comfort for us both. I fed her this morning and she smiled at me. Maybe it was gas, but I’ll take what I can get right now. Her upper lip muscles hoist her little lip toward her nose. She still doesn’t have any teeth. 

1:00pm today will be nothing like holding Miller.  River will not smile back at us, she twice size of Miller, and we will likely get tangled in her life support like the worm, bobber, and Hooke around Fielders fishing line on Saturday. 

I’ve taken pictures and made videos of the walk into the hospital, the walk into the NICU, and of River’s decorated room to help soften reality and help Carly understand what she will see without experiencing it with all her senses at once. I hope it helps. 

Today will be a dark day. I glad the sun is shining.

Please use the comments below for encouragement and prayers before we get to the hospital. We will use this show of support to summon the courage to walk in and face our fears. 

I’ll create another post soon to share encouragement and prayers for us after we leave the hospital. We will use it to calm our hearts, slow our anxious minds, and begin to slowly face the thought of two beautiful children instead of three. Be sure to comment on both!


  1. Love you both!! I will be praying at 1:00 for all of you. Praying that River will be comforted to hear her Mama’s voice and feel your presence. Carly, you are strong, and when you feel weak, God will be there with you. I was reading in Acts this morning and Paul was testifying that while he was being tried God had always been with him. And I was reminded that God never leaves us! He is there with you, He will hold you up. He is a God of miracles, hold on to that!! He is our comfort, lean on Him! Kenny, you too are strong! You have been a faithful, loving, compassionate leader for your family. While you are tired, God will sustain you and restore you. Have faith! Love you, Janie

    1. LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress." ~ Isaiah 33:2

  2. Praying for you both during this difficult time. I can't imagine the pain you are walking through. Your words are beautiful as I read each post. Your love for your family, God, and Country are evident and it runs deep. I pray for River, that her little body will be receptive to the medicine, and that as you both hold her today, that she will feel your love for her and feel what great parents you are to her. I always say that I have been blessed because God chose them for me, but it works both ways, God chose me for them. Just like He chose you for River. He knew you would love her with everything you are. Praying for glimpses of Him while you hold River today. Praying for peace and comfort for the road ahead.

  3. Sending you all love and prayers!

  4. Prayers that you will be comforted today and in the days ahead.

  5. Praying for you guys so hard. This is a strength that no one should have to show, but you guys are doing it. I wish comfort for you all- all 5 of you. ❤️

  6. Father, I pray that you go with and ahead of Kenny & Carly today and wrap them with such peace and comfort that they will know it is only You! Lord, I do not understand their heartbreak but I know you do. Comfort and strengthen them as only you can. I also pray for Fielder as he deals with his hurt and emotions. Be with all of them, LORD!!! And use this somehow, someway, for Your glory! In Jesus name, I thank you for bending down and hearing our prayers.

  7. Kenny and Carly, you are walking a road I know you did not expect to follow. I know your hearts must be broken...BUT GOD! HE knew you would be on this road. He surrounds you on all sides to catch you when you stumble. He has held River through all of this, never leaving her side. As much as you love her, He loves her more. I pray you soon find peace in trusting that although we don’t understand Gods ways or reasons, you will trust Him. Trust him with all your being. Cling to Him like no other. I will be in my knees praying to God for strength in the coming minutes, hours, days and year.

  8. Psalm 91

    Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

    Love and prayers for you and Carly.

  9. Kenny and Carly, I am praying for you both during this difficult. I am praying for River as well as Miller and Fielder and I pray for peace for all of you.

  10. Praying for you and sending loving thoughts to your family.

  11. I was reading this from Phin’s Jesus storybook Bible:
    “ So God breathed life into Adam and eve. When they opened their eyes, the first thing they ever saw was gods face. And when God saw them he was like a new dad. “You look like me,” he said. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made!” God love them with all of his heart. And they were lovely because he loved them “

    I believe River is one of the most beautiful creations God has ever made. She is so loved.

    Phin saw me in tears and asked how he could help. He has been praying for you guys. I told him I was sad and he said “Jesus is going to come back mom. It’s going to be OK. I promise.”

    We are with you. ❤️

  12. Praying for you both! May god grant you peace in the chaos and pain! Know that he is faithful, he has you, river,Miller, fielder. 💙🙏🙏💚

  13. I'm thankful for God's love for the "little" children. Perfect love for perfect River.

  14. Form one hurting parent to another, Lord please give these two sweet parents the strength they need to face today! And tomorrow to face tomorrow! And each day with its own pain and victory! We trust you know us better than anyone and will in your sovereignty provide for all our needs!! Amen!

  15. I don't know you or your family but I'm praying for you! May God wrap his loving arms around you now and in the days ahead. May you have peace that is far beyond human understanding.

  16. My thoughts and/or prayers have been with you all in the mornings and at night. My heart breaks for you all and my prayers continue. Prayers for peace and comfort from the Lord.


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