Update 6 - I almost peed my pants

Ever wish you could be in two places at once? Tonight Carly and Miller were discharged and I made the excruciatingly hard decision to leave River and be with the other 4/5ths of my family. In hindsight it was the right decision. I needed them and they needed me. I’ll be back with River tomorrow. It was so hard to leave her. I sang “I loved you a Busshel and a peck”, “this is the day”, and “soft kitty warm kitty.” I hope that tithes her over until I return. 

Our neighbor unexpectedly brought us dinner and must have thought we went from Bradley party of 3 to Bradley party of 5000. The food just kept multiplying. Pastor Josh blessed it. My stomach is full. My heart is full from all the prayers and well wishers. And my eyes are heavy. I’m really looking forward to sleeping on my own bed. 

I’ve been able to talk to many of you briefly. I’m surprised at my ability to hold it together. We are not the only ones hurting. My friends and family and even loosely connected four-or-five-degrees of separation acquaintances are hurting with us. I’m thankful for each and every one of you. You have been a source of strength and encouragement. Keep calling if we haven’t got to connect. I promise I will answer when I’m able.

Everyone keeps asking how they can help. Honestly, we don’t know yet. Things change so fast right now and it is just too difficult to plan. This is a tough time, but I’m afraid the worst is ahead of us. Please be patient as we navigate our self care and Fielder, River, and Miller’s care. As thing stabilize we will need you. And will know what we need and how you can help. For now the best we can ask for is prayer, encouragement, and to keep sharing our story so that more people can pray for sweet River. A time will come when you can be present with us and minister to our physical needs. 

River, is still seizing. But the duration and  severity are diminishing. The phenobarbital is working, but slowly. She will get a fresh dose of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) tonight. She is so bloated. Her little vessels are leaky, but the plasma should help thicken her blood and hopefully reduce swelling and promote quicker clotting. She doesn’t look like the same baby from the NICU at Athens Regional. 

I had my first vision of rage today. Each new feeling is triggered by some minor stressor that I wasn’t prepared to experience. The rage was triggered by almost peeing in my pants. I can laugh now, but it was serious. Seriously. 

The entire NICU floor only has two singleton locking bathrooms. Believe me. I looked and later asked so that I didn’t turn into the Incredible Hulk the next time this happens. 

All these foundations donate money for beds and OR’s. Somebody needs to donate another bathroom or two. The men’s bathroom was occupied by a janitor who left his cart, broom, and dustpan neatly stowed outside the door. It was obvious that he wasn’t cleaning. He was probably updating his Facebook status or sleeping; He was in there for a long time. I was so mad. I felt my muscles tensing. Counting to four like Daniel Tiger did not work. My Pelvic floor muscles were on fire. I have the good folks at AOC physical therapy to thank for teaching me that I have a pelvic floor. 

I wanted to pound the door and break it down. Eventually I resisted both the present urges and walked around the entire floor to find relief. None was found so I fast walked like an idiot. I tried to respect the gender signs, but eventually ended up using the women’s bathroom. I felt no remorse. The woman who enter after me gave me a nasty look. I didn’t care. I didn’t pee in my pants. Win. It’s the little victories. Right!


  1. May our Lord completely heal River and bless your family abundantly with overflowing comfort and patience and peace leaving no room for stress, worry and anxiety.

  2. Kenny these are the details that are going to be such a blessing to the parents that turn to RIVER’S FOUNDATION in years to come! I remember telling a friend about a “secret bathroom” that can easily be overlooked at Piedmont Atlanta when you are waiting in the Blue ICU back during Scott’s transplant experience! And don’t worry about the looks from the lady! As long as you put the seat down we all have the same goal in the there!

  3. We don’t know your family but pastor Sam Davis shared your blog. We are currently at Kennestone Hospital with our 22-year-old who had a brain bleed due to a malformation. We feel your pain. It’s almost suffocating at times! We will be praying for you and little River! Children are a blessing! God is sovereign and His ways are perfect! Breathe! That’s all we can do now! And pray! ❤️❤️

  4. I know that we don’t know you and Carly very well, but Travis and I are praying hard for y’all and your precious baby girl! Everyone is with y’all every step of the way even if we can’t be there in person!

  5. May the Lord bless you and your family and work miracles for your River!

  6. Hey Kenny. Praying for River. Glad to hear Carly and Miller are home, I am sure Fielder was very glad to see you all. I probably will not call but please know that I am constantly checking your blog. I am praying and checking for update. Love you all and River is on my mind and in my prayer constantly.

  7. Kenny, my heart goes out to you and your precious family. I just went through this exact same thing with my daughter-in-law two years ago. Her brother had a baby that went through this with his son. They transferred him to Grady at the time. After reading your updates, I fell on my face last night crying out in intercession for precious River. I will continue to pray for your strength and peace as the days go on. Please rest in the fact of so many people praying for your family.


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